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Pedagogy of the living

The collective activities that take place at the Mamajah Farm aim to restore the intimate ties that unite human beings with Nature. Our agro-ecological mission includes a whole range of actions adapted to the various audiences who practice the resource site. It is about recognizing bio-diversity in all its forms, collaboration between all living beings, observing the example of the forest and imitating the generosity of Mother Earth.

Vegetable dye courses for children and adults

Visits to nurseries and schools

During the school year, agricultural production serves as a didactic base during educational visits and workshops “from Seed to Plate” and “Terre à Terre”. Children, from nursery age, visit the Gardens for initiation days and overnight stays in the shelter of Nature Structures created by Mamajah.

In the program

Welcome in the morning at the Lignon footbridge and arrival walk along the banks of the Rhône with Nicole and Serge the lamas. Visit of the eco-site, workshop in the vegetable garden, picnic under the trees, siesta in the big yurt, then modeling with local clay.


These educational visits can be organized in two stages (one in the spring, the other in the fall), in order to discover the abundance of everything that grew there during the summer. 

Summer camps and holiday camps

When summer comes, the productive and didactic site also moves into a field of experimentation and discovery for the children of the outdoor centers of the neighborhood houses. At the Mamajah Farm, we are inspired by the wisdom of animals, the functioning of the Earth  and also of the Sky, which recycles its own matter, the stars, which are born, live, die and reborn as


The “Du Jardin aux Etoiles” camps take place during the holidays. They combine all sorts of small rural pleasures, marrying group life, creative expression and very simple notions of agro-ecology and astronomy.


Contact us to organize your outing and to know the availability of the camps.

Tours and workshops for adult groups

Are you a group interested in organic farming, permaculture, biodynamics and/or eco-construction?

At the Mamajah Farm, since 2010, the old football pitches have given way to production that favors local varieties and biodiversity. The crops are divided into two gardens "The Lotus" and its hops, its aromatic plants, flowers and old vegetables and "The Hummingbird" with its large bamboo greenhouses, its four market garden plots organized around a basin welcoming batrachians. In the heart of the Gardens, discover also our natural constructions, all made on the school site, with bamboo, canvas and with living materials from the place (straw, earth, wood, thatch, willow).

Contact us to know our availability and organize your outing.

Participez à l'Expérience


Préservons la Nature de la Presqu'île de Loëx | Privilégiez la mobilité douce 🌸🌿🐢


2 entrées piétonnes et vélos

20 Chemin des Blanchards,  1233 Bernex

141 Route de Loëx, 1233 Bernex

Bus 43 (depuis Onex) Arrêt: Blanchards

En ballade ou à vélo à travers les Evaux ou encore depuis la passerelle du Lignon

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Mamajah's Farm (Non-profit Sarl)

Loëx peninsula

20 Blanchards Road

1233 Bernex GE

By Nature, Creative, Ecological and Solidarity

+41 (0)22 328 04 90


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