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As a precursor, Philippe Rohner is building Mamajah first ecological marquee on a school site, at the Paléo Festival 95, to raise public awareness of agro-ecology and eco-construction and to present all the eco-friendly alternatives (food , agriculture, construction). For 2 years, the marquee of Mamajah will travel on many festivals in French-speaking Switzerland.



As a precursor, Philippe Rohner is building Mamajah first ecological marquee on a school site, at the Paléo Festival 95, to raise public awareness of agro-ecology and eco-construction and to present all the eco-friendly alternatives (food , agriculture, construction). For 2 years, the marquee of Mamajah will travel on many festivals in French-speaking Switzerland.


North-South Mutual Aid

In 1996, Philippe was commissioned to prospect in the Malian Sahel, looking for a village capable of hosting Pierre Rabhi's Word of the Earth seminar. His search will lead him to Tacharane, near Gao, on the road to Niger. He will build there with the women of the village “Aigna Dogo”, the old Big Case of the Mothers and will ensure with Mamajah the organization and the animation of the seminar.


Nursery of small agro-ecologists

Mamajah will then engage in the construction of a secondary school in Tacharane integrating agro-ecology into the program and allowing children, particularly girls, to continue their education in the village.

Participez à l'Expérience


Préservons la Nature de la Presqu'île de Loëx | Privilégiez la mobilité douce 🌸🌿🐢


2 entrées piétonnes et vélos

20 Chemin des Blanchards,  1233 Bernex

141 Route de Loëx, 1233 Bernex

Bus 43 (depuis Onex) Arrêt: Blanchards

En ballade ou à vélo à travers les Evaux ou encore depuis la passerelle du Lignon

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Mamajah's Farm (Non-profit Sarl)

Loëx peninsula

20 Blanchards Road

1233 Bernex GE

By Nature, Creative, Ecological and Solidarity

+41 (0)22 328 04 90


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© 2022 Mamajah Farm SARL

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