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Ensemble, nous prenons soin de la Terre nourricière, du Vivant et sa Biodiversité, sous toutes ses formes

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Notre Pépinière "Jeunes Pousses"💚

Our organic solidarity vegetables

Inspired by the generosity of Mother Earth, Mamajah does its part to collaborate in the diversity of the Living. The production of vegetables, fruits and flowers, labeled BIO Bourgeon and DEMETER, favors native varieties Pro Spécié Rara, the association of crops, the reception and reproduction of auxiliaries.


The mechanical work is limited to the spreading of the compost and the maintenance of the permaculture mounds now made over the entire plot. The mulch and the passage of the grelinette keeps the soil airy, without compacting the clay and allowing micro-organisms and earthworms to do their best.


All work is carried out in the company of interns, volunteers and members of the Mamajah network, mobilized for more social diversity and biodiversity in all its forms.

Our organic solidarity vegetables

Inspired by the generosity of Mother Earth, Mamajah does its part to collaborate in the diversity of the Living. The production of vegetables, fruits and flowers, labeled BIO Bourgeon and DEMETER, favors native varieties Pro Spécié Rara, the association of crops, the reception and reproduction of auxiliaries.


The mechanical work is limited to the spreading of the compost and the maintenance of the permaculture mounds now made over the entire plot. The mulch and the passage of the grelinette keeps the soil airy, without compacting the clay and allowing micro-organisms and earthworms to do their best.


All work is carried out in the company of interns, volunteers and members of the Mamajah network, mobilized for more social diversity and biodiversity in all its forms.

Participez à l'Expérience


Préservons la Nature de la Presqu'île de Loëx | Privilégiez la mobilité douce 🌸🌿🐢


2 entrées piétonnes et vélos

20 Chemin des Blanchards,  1233 Bernex

141 Route de Loëx, 1233 Bernex

Bus 43 (depuis Onex) Arrêt: Blanchards

En ballade ou à vélo à travers les Evaux ou encore depuis la passerelle du Lignon

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Mamajah's Farm (Non-profit Sarl)

Loëx peninsula

20 Blanchards Road

1233 Bernex GE

By Nature, Creative, Ecological and Solidarity

+41 (0)22 328 04 90


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© 2022 Mamajah Farm SARL

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